『葉狂人』的怕失憶筆記 Back-End

如何停用 php5-fpm 服務於開機時

如何停用 php5-fpm 服務於開機時

Ubuntu uses upstart for managing services. The service configuration is at /etc/init/php5-fpm.conf. Don't delete this file, it will just be recreated when the package is updated. Instead, create the file /etc/init/php5-fpm.override with the contents


Then you can start and stop it with start php5-fpm and stop php5-fpm but it won't be automatically started at boot. This is documented in the upstart cookbook.

如何停用 nginx 服務於開機時

update-rc.d -f nginx disable


update-rc.d -f nginx enable

memcached 也是一樣

update-rc.d -f memcached disable


update-rc.d -f memcached enable

『葉狂人』的怕失憶筆記, author
政大企管系教授 司徒達賢